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Product Details

  • An MVD Exclusive
  • SKU: MVDV4833
  • Format: DVD
  • UPC: 760137483397
  • Street Date: 02/10/09
  • PreBook Date: 01/06/09
  • Label: Pm Press »
  • Genre: Documentary
  • Run Time: 140 mins
  • Number of Discs: 1
  • Audio: STEREO
  • Year of Production: 2009
  • Region Code: 0
  • Box Lot: 30
  • Territory: WORLD


Cast & Crew

  • Actors:
  •       Greg Palast
  •       Moqtada al Sadr
  •       Amy Goodman
  • Director: Big Noise Films
  • Producer: Big Noise Films
  • Producers: Big Noise Films


Product Assets





Big Noise Dispatches 04

Ground breaking reports from the turmoil in Iraq to convention protests and election fraud in the US.

Big Noise Dispatches 04
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Beyond the Wall: Inside the Sadr Movement in Iraq After a US and Iraqi military campaign, the armed Shiite resistance melted away from the street. We go behind the wall is Sadr City to discover the fate of the Mehdi Army, and the state of the fight for Iraq's future. (21 min)Re-Awakening Saddam's Tribal Strategy The US is reconstituting the tribal elite Saddam used to run the country. But will it be able to maintain the delicate balance between the Sunni "Awakening" militias and the Shiite government' (21 min)The Detention Imperative: An Inside Look at the US Detention System in Iraq Few American institutions affect the lives of ordinary Iraqis more directly and profoundly than the US detention system. But once Iraqis are swept up in the system, there is no clear way out. (21 min)Breaking with Convention Quick, ragged clips produced for Democracy Now!'s daily coverage of the Democratic and Republican Conventions. (65 min) Election Suppression Big Noise teams up with journalist Greg Palast on this BBC investigation of the suppression of the vote in the 2008 elections. (14min) The reports from Iraq were made with the support of the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting and originally aired on Al Jazeera English.


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